Breast feeding babydoll
"Breast Milk Baby" a doll created in Spain, is now heading to US toy stores. Creators of the doll insist the $90 toy triggers a perfectly natural pretend-play process that teaches girls the very valuable lesson that they should nurse their babies when they become moms. The doll set comes with small vest girls wear with two breast-positioned "flowers" where the doll's lips move to "suck." The dolls also suck pacifiers, cry, and burp. Parents have mixed feelings about these dolls. Some feel that the doll is not appropriate and promotes young girls to want babies at an earlier age. Others feel it is a positive toy that allows children imitate their own Mothers or other women they see breastfeeding.
Children have played with dolls for centuries and used their imaginations to interact with dolls. So, the question becomes: is there a need for a doll that mimics the sounds and actions of a real baby breastfeeding or is it inappropriate for young children?
Source: ABC News