Thanksgiving dinner is always a wonderful time to gather the family together and enjoy great food and good conversation. The conversations that are shared when people eat a Thanksgiving meal together make it one of the most beloved and heartwarming of American holidays. Many families love to go around the table and ask each other what each member is most thankful for that year. However, the opportunities to open up and get talking over the turkey don’t have to end there. Why not add a few new questions to your traditional Thanksgiving meal topics this year? Below is a list of fun, family-friendly conversation starters that can be passed around or tucked under each guest’s plate at the dinner table. Kids and adults alike can take turns answering each question, and by doing so families can share so much more with one another than just a meal this Thanksgiving.
- If you could spend Thanksgiving anywhere, where would it be?
- What famous person would make the best friend?
- Who is the funniest person at the table and why?
- If you just won the lottery, what’s the very first thing you would buy?
- If you could have named yourself, what name would you have picked?
- What do you think is the hardest thing about being a kid?
- What’s your favorite thing about the person sitting to your left?
- What is your most prized possession and why?
- If you could eat only one food on this table for an entire year, which one would it be?
- What is your favorite thing about being a kid (or an adult)?