Explore life after dark in the Lower Cape Fear as you creep through Cape Fear Museum on Saturday, July 20th from 6:00-9:00 PM. Families will venture through the Museum, investigate hands-on science activities and meet live animals. There’s something for everyone!
- NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher will use turtles, frogs and alligators to teach you how to be a nocturnal wildlife researcher.
- Examine live raptors including a red-tailed hawk and great horned owl with the Carolina Raptor Center. Dissect an owl pellet, too.
- Harness the power of magnetic forces to make your very own UFOs levitate.
- See how cicadas molt and leave behind a perfect exoskeleton. Make a molt of your hand with warm wax!
- Join a Citizen Science Firefly Watch and learn how fireflies communicate by flashing. Pretend to be a firefly in a game of tag.
- Settle down for a cozy read with bedtime stories from New Hanover Public Library.
- View light-related artifacts from the Museum’s collection.
- Find out how light pollution can ruin your view of the night sky.
- Investigate summer constellations in the Starlab.
- “Paint” your own light photo with Cape Fear Camera Club members.
- Cape Fear Shag Club will offer a shag demonstration and even teach you a few moves.
Admission for Night at the Museum is $6.00 per person; $3.00 for museum members. Memberships will be available on event day. Night at the Museum is sponsored by Connect A Million Minds, a Time Warner Cable initiative. For more information about science activities in your town, visit www.connectamillionminds.com.
Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, a department of New Hanover County, is open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday, and 1:00 to 5:00 PM Sunday; Memorial Day through Labor Day. The Museum is located at 814 Market Street in historic downtown Wilmington, NC. More information: www.capefearmuseum.com.