school nurse
Medical expenses can be very costly but are a necessity to maintain health. Here are a few tips from All You magazine for saving a bit on health care.
- Consult with the office nurse or school nurse before scheduling a doctor’s appointment. If you work for a large company with a nurse on staff, consult with her before going to see your doctor. Also, utilize the school nurse and ask their opinion on the severity of a health issue with your child. Consultation with these medical professionals could save you a trip to the doctor in addition to saving money.
- For a recurring issue with yours or your child’s health, call the doctor. There is no charge for a phone call and a doctor may simply re-issue a prescription or be able to give you tips on what to do over the phone.
- For after hours help, the ER is not your only choice. If the condition is not life-threatening, call your doctor. Most doctors have after-hours answering services and will call you back. If a doctor cannot be reached, consider heading to an urgent care facility rather than the hospital. The difference in cost between the ER and an urgent care can be between $500 and $600.
- If you have been in the hospital, ask for an itemized bill. According to Medical Billing Advocates of America, more than ¾ of hospital bills contain errors. If you notice an error or have a question about something on the bill, call the hospital.
- To save on prescriptions, ask for the generic version. They contain the same active ingredient as the name-brand but cost a lot less. Another way to save on drugs is to buy them at a warehouse store. Even if you are not a member of Costco or Sam’s Club you can still use their pharmacy. Mail order is another savings option for ongoing prescriptions. These often come in 90 day supplies which could cut your cost up to 67%.