Murrayville Curves
Murrayville Curves
You clean, cook, work, drop your kids off for soccer, pick your kids up from ballet, and some days you’re going through the drive-thru so your kids will have something for dinner. As the mother of a 2 year old, I too practice the balancing act, and I have watched and gained strength and inspiration from the moms who step up and commit to take time for themselves to exercise, eat well, and be an example for their family.
The fact is, when you take care of yourself, you are better able to take care of others---in good health you have more energy, patience, and endurance!
All moms need exercise, but many of us need a realistic approach. Just a 30 minute workout that challenges you to work as hard as you can will make a huge difference in your life. Circuit training and Zumba classes can provide a wildly effective workout. Remember, it is important to choose a gym that is both efficient and fun.
The missing link in most exercise and diet programs is MOTIVATION. A certified coach can provide one-on-one weekly coaching to review your meal plan, track your weight and cheer you on. Having someone to encourage you will help you with every step of the way!
Do you want to see pounds drop off? Or maybe you're looking for new-found energy, decreased stress, lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Healthy moms are happy and confident. Take 30 minutes for you and see what a difference it makes!
Tori Cockman is the owner of the Murrayville Curves. The Murrayville Curves offers Curves Circuit with Zumba, the CurvesSmart Technology and Curves Complete, including personalized meal plans and one-on-one weekly coaching from a certified coach. Contact Curves at 910-313-1021.